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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


5.000 ₺
Göcek Merkezde müstakil havuzlu etrafı tamamen yeşil ağaç ve çiçeklerle kaplı villa günlük olarak kiralıktır.
Göcek Merkezde müstakil havuzlu etrafı tamamen yeşil ağaç ve çiçeklerle kap ...
170.00 m2detaylar


7.500 ₺
Gökçeovacık’ta Doğa içinde huzurlu ve sakin bir bölgede olan evimiz yıllık olarak kiralıktır. Yıllık kira bedeli ve depozito (bir aylık kira bedeli) peşin ...
Gökçeovacık’ta Doğa içinde huzurlu ve sakin bir bölgede olan evimiz y ...
120.00 m2detaylar

Marmaris Hisarönü’nde Satılık Faal Rüz...

13.000.000 ₺
Denize 250 mt Yürüyüş Mesafesinde, açık alan 600 m2 kapalı alan 240 m2 12 odalı, 28 yatak kapasiteli Anlaşmalı Plaj + Restorant Boş Olarak Teslim Edilecektir
Denize 250 mt Yürüyüş Mesafesinde, açık alan 600 m2 kapalı alan 240 m2 12 o ...
840.00 m2detaylar

Purpose of Statement: Text added after properties list This statement is a disclosure of the condition of the property in compliance with the seller disclosure act. This statement is a disclosure of the condition and information concerning the property, known by the seller. Unless otherwise advised, the seller does not possess any expertise in construction, architecture, engineering, or any other specific area related to the construction or condition of the improvements on the property or the land. Also, unless otherwise advised, the seller has not conducted any inspection of generally inaccessible areas such as the foundation or roof. This statement is not a warranty of any kind by the seller or by any agent representing the seller in this transaction, and is not a substitute for any inspections or warranties the buyer may wish to obtain.

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